Business & Entertainment District (Current) (BE)


(1) The purpose of the Business and Entertainment District (BE) is to encourage active uses and storefronts that enhance Easton’s Downtown as a place to visit, do business, and stay for evening dining and entertainment.
(2) The Business and Entertainment District should encourage cultural events, vibrant commercial activity, dining, and entertainment establishments and venues. This district is considered the hub of local and regional festivals, events and is intended to create a consistent stream of daytime and nighttime foot traffic from existing businesses and potential customers that sustain the district.
(3) Maintain or construct vertical multi-story mixed-use buildings.
(4) Provide continuity between old and new in the built environment.
(5) Permit building design appropriate with the standards set forth by the Local Historic District Ordinance.
(6) Permit land uses that increase opportunities for day time, evening and weekend activities.
(7) Promote development that maintains an attractive streetscape.
(8) Support entrance and facade remodeling on downtown buildings that will contribute to the existing pedestrian environment. (9) Permit housing and office opportunities on upper floors.
(10) Discourage development and uses that require storage, or drive-through lanes or drive-through windows.   

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Impervious Surface info:

Impervious surface, maximum: 100%