College Hill / Institutional 1 Transition Zone (CH/INS-1 T)
College Hill / Institutional 1 Transitional Zone District’s purpose is to provide for a mix of residential and nonresidential uses and development that will enhance the transition from Lafayette College campus to College Hill community. Uses would allow students, staff, faculty, residents, and visitors to live, shop, dine and receive their wellness needs. The district encourages mixed-use buildings and alternative modes of transportation such as walking and biking, with an emphasis on promoting safe and attractive pedestrian-oriented landscapes as well as a reduction in the need for impervious surfaces for parking. Uses would allow students, staff, faculty, residents, and visitors to live, shop, dine and receive their wellness needs. The district encourages mixed-use buildings and alternative modes of transportation such as walking and biking, with an emphasis on promoting safe and attractive pedestrian-oriented landscapes as well as a reduction in the need for impervious surfaces for parking. The College shall provide the necessary resources to facilitate the use of its ancillary and accessory facilities located within INS-1 and AR Districts that are situated in more suitable and less intrusive locations to meet its current and future parking demands.
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Impervious Surface info:
Impervious surface, maximum: 85%