Downtown with Street Corridor Overlay (DDSCO)


The purpose of the Downtown District to provide the highest intensity of development within the core of the City of Easton while preserving the City’s historic resources and context; to promote a mix of regional commercial and office space, with residential opportunity and neighborhood services; and to support mass transit and transit-oriented development. The Street Corridor Enhancement Overlay District’s purpose is to accommodate medium- and high-intensity development at the gateways to the City and along the principal vehicular and pedestrian corridors, and to promote compact, walkable, mixed-use buildings with local and regional commercial services, compatibly scaled light industrial, and residential uses.  See § 595-20: Downtown (DD) District. See § 595-25: Street Corridor Enhancement (SC) Overlay District.  

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Impervious Surface info:

Impervious surface, maximum: 100%