River Corridor with Street Corridor Overlay (RCSCO)


The purpose of the River Corridors and Other Green Areas District is to accommodate appropriate development while providing for adequate protection and buffering of the City’s waterways and other natural resources; assist in flood management; protection of environmentally sensitive areas; and meet the need for local and regional greenways, open space, and recreation within the City.  The Street Corridor Enhancement Overlay District’s purpose is to accommodate medium- and high-intensity development at the gateways to the City and along the principal vehicular and pedestrian corridors, and to promote compact, walkable, mixed-use buildings with local and regional commercial services, compatibly scaled light industrial, and residential uses. See § 595-17 River Corridors and Other Green Areas (RC) District. See § 595-25: Street Corridor Enhancement (SC) Overlay District.

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Impervious Surface info:

Impervious surface, maximum: 30% except that impervious coverage greater than 30% may be permitted if: (a) The increase results from a lot line adjustment between developed parcels which does not involve new development or a cumulative increase in the existing impervious coverage. (b) Justified by a design professional demonstrating that increased stormwater will be managed without adverse impacts on infrastructure or water quality. (c) The increase is required in conjunction with improvements such as: [1] Compliance with this chapter, Chapter 515,or other applicable codes of the City of Easton. [2] Compliance with the regulations of other governmental agencies. [3] Adherence to sound engineering or best management practices.