Elvis Costello and Steve Nieve in Concert

453 Northampton St 2 Pa Ave, Bangor

Event: fb://event/9504416379587064 On sale to State Theatre Members Wednesday, November 20th at 10 AM. On sale to the public on Friday, November 22nd at 10 AM. https://statetheatre.org/events/elvis-costello Born in London and raised there and in Liverpool, D.P. MacManus later came to be known as “Elvis Costello”. He has been performing in public for over fifty...

Miwa Matreyek | Infinitely Yours and This World Made Itself – Performance Series

Weiss Theater - Buck Hall: 219 N. 3rd Street

Matreyek creates live, staged performances where she interacts with her animations as a shadow silhouette, at the cross-section of cinematic and theatrical, fantastical and tangible, illusionistic and physical. Infinitely Yours explores global warming, the anthropocene, and the vastly changing earth. This piece attempts to physicalize and emotionalize the nonstop barrage of news streaming in through our screens,...