Gratitude Reflections: Sound Meditation

Easton Yoga 524 Northampton St, Easton, PA, United States

The Thanksgiving holiday is the gateway to a busy December holiday season, which can bring much joy — but also , much stress. Many feel the pressure of additional obligations, including giving the perfect gifts and creating the perfect celebrations despite challenges including inadequate time, energy and money. Many compare their lives to others and...

Svaroopa + Harp: Quarterly Healing Sessions

The Valley Om: Yoga and Bodywork

Two hours of Svaroopa Yoga accompanied by therapeutic harp music is an experience that can rightfully be called - b e a u t i f u l! Cyndee will guide you though a premium Svaroopa class, complete with hands on adjustments and reiki (if consented). It is a restorative and therapeutic style of yoga...