Jay Milder
Interview by Kelly Prentice
Photographed by Larry Fink
About the artist: Abstract expressionist painter influenced by his interest in spiritualism, mysticism and political commentary, and influenced by his travels in Africa and South America. He was invited to be a cultural ambassador to Brazil; professor emeritus of CCNY-City University of New York.
Where they’re from: Omaha, Nebraska
When they moved to Easton: 2000
Why they live in Easton: I came with Bill Barrell; Karl Stirner found us a place here. I’ve met some wonderful people while I’ve been here. It’s a thriving art community, not that I’m a part of it because I really came here to be a hermit, which is my true calling. That’s part of the charm—that I can just work all day and go dancing once a week for exercise. The ability to be able to paint all day and not be disturbed— that’s quite fantastic.

Philosophy: This year I am appearing with the President of Brazil, Mick Jagger and Bono and a famous soccer player to donate a painting for poor indigenous people of Brazil. I’m working with the largest indigenous tribe outside of the rainforest. They’ve made me a cultural ambassador and we’re trying to get money from the government to help fund a museum for the indigenous. When I was in Mexico, the poor people were fighting against the wealthy. I wrote to the Pope that he should give back money to support some of these indigenous peoples’ businesses, and the same in America. I am working with the Liberation Theology; they are trying to get the church to help the poor. The structure of the church is for the rich landowners and against the poor people.
What makes them smile: Easton, to me, is like 1932. I grew up in a town like Easton—Omaha, Nebraska. It’s very nice getting out of New York. It’s not the same as when I first came to New York and you had great socialists, intellectuals and Communist movie houses. Now it’s a generic city. But Easton seems to me quite liberal and forward thinking.
How they see Easton’s future: The economy gets better, then worse. For small places like this it’s harder to recover. New York City can go through ups and downs and around and then it fights back. I think it’s good that these fancy restaurants are here; it brings people in, but then they should have galleries open later, so people have somewhere to go after dinner.
Links for further reading:
This interview was originally published in the Third Edition of Laini’s Little Pocket Guide to Easton in 2010. It was accompanied by the following:
They flee from New York City and elsewhere, because they found a warehouse building at a price they couldn’t pass up. Or because Easton reminds them of a place they once knew, long ago and far away. Maybe it’s because their friend Karl Stirner convinced them to come. Or because of its historic charm and the opportunity to create art in seeming anonymity.