Statement from Northampton County Executive Lamont G. McClure on Federal Funding Cuts Impacting Election Integrity



Northampton County – March 21, 2025


“Today, I must express my profound concern regarding the abhorrent recent decision by the Department of Homeland Security to terminate federal funding for critical tasks under the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) Cooperative Agreement. This strategic dismantling of essential resources dedicated to election integrity is nothing short of catastrophic for state and local election officials and poses a significant threat to our democratic processes.

The termination of federal funding for vital functions such as threat analysis, incident response services, and member outreach activities directly undermines the very tools that safeguard our elections. The current Administration is effectively handing over our sacred elections to those who seek to undermine democracy by stripping away the very tools and support that help protect our electoral infrastructure. This reckless move not only endangers the integrity of our elections but also erodes public confidence in the democratic process.

While the Center for Internet Security has promised to continue providing certain services, the cuts to specialized training, real-time threat notices, and critical incident response capabilities leave our election officials vulnerable. The reduction in resources dedicated to combating the evolving landscape of cyber threats is a grave mistake that could have far-reaching consequences.

We must recognize that ensuring the security of our elections is not merely a bureaucratic concern; it is a fundamental obligation to the citizens we serve. The removal of federal support is a direct assault on our democracy, and we cannot afford to be complacent. I stand firm in my commitment to democracy and will continue to work tirelessly to ensure we hold a legal, fair, and accurate election here in Northampton County.

In this era, where the threats to our electoral systems are increasingly sophisticated, it is deeply troubling that the current Administration under President Donald Trump has chosen to prioritize political agendas over the security of our democracy. We must recognize that protecting our elections is a fundamental responsibility, and the actions of this Administration reflect a disturbing disregard for the integrity of our democratic processes.

This decision is yet another glaring example of an Administration that acts impulsively, disregarding the potential fallout of its actions. In the midst of daily chaos, it seems that the needs of our everyday citizens are being overlooked, with no regard for the impact these decisions will have on their lives. The consequences of these decisions will be felt across our communities and will serve to undermine the trust that is essential to a functioning democracy.

The citizens we serve deserve better than this chaotic approach to governance. The future of our electoral integrity is at stake, and this Administration must be held accountable for its actions.”


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